
Attendance Phone: 250-477-9511

We want to see you at school each school day, trying your best and taking part in all that school has to offer. We understand that some days you may not be feeling well and will need to stay home to get better and not spread your germs to your friends. If you are going to be absent from school, please let the school know. A quick phone call to the office will let us know you are home safe and we won’t worry about you.

You can always leave a message at night if you know you won’t be able to attend the next day.  Please keep in mind however that regular, punctual attendance is directly related to achievement at school. Studies show that students who arrive on time and attend regularly feel more attached to their school and have more success in reaching their full potential

If you expect your child to be late or absent, please call the school at 250-477-9511. In the case of an extended absence please contact your child’s teacher, so that support plans can be made. If your child is late for school or you are picking them up during the day, please check into the office and sign in or out. It is important for us to know who is in the building and where your children are!