Halloween Howl

This is a  PAC run family fun night! Please join us in the school gym for games and prizes. Visit the PAC website for details.  https://www.torquaypac.ca/event/halloween-howl/

Photo Retake day

This is for students who missed photo day or who weren't satisfied with their original photo.

PAC Meeting

The PAC welcomes all parents to attend these meetings. Please join them in the library.

Winter Concert

Tickets will be given to families. More details to come.

Winter Concert

Families will be given tickets. More details to come.

Winter Break

School not in session.

PAC Meeting

The PAC welcomes all parents to attend these meetings. Please join them in the library.

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration begins at 8 am. Please visit the school office to complete a registration package. For more information and required documentation please visit the Greater Victoria School Districts website. https://www.sd61.bc.ca/parent-student-resources/registration/kindergarten-registration/